Kibran Tours

Visiting Ethiopia

We Are There For You

Travel Tips

In this list you will find useful travel facts, background information and some suggestions that will not only help you prepare for your trip, but make your travel experience enjoyable from start to finish. Please note that things can change rapidly in Ethiopia, therefore some of the information herein may be subject to change.

Ethiopians are modest dressers and visitors should be sensitive about their dress when visiting places of worship. Shoes must always be removed before entering churches and mosques so we recommend bringing a pair of socks to wear when visiting sites such as Lalibela.

Accommodation, Food, Traveling Around and Shopping.

Getting to Ethiopia

Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa provides international and domestic flights with Ethiopian Airlines operating globally from its hub. Visas are required except for some; travelers should carry valid passports and forms. Communication services are available in cities but limited elsewhere, while standard mail and DHL serve Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa offers international and local accommodation of varying quality, with the north generally higher; luxury options are limited but basic rooms can be found. Domestic flights and roads allow travel between towns and sites, though flights are faster; allowances and rentals vary but are expensive versus buses. Malaria risks differ by location so preventative measures are recommended, especially in the Omo Valley. Traditional cuisine and basic supplies can be purchased in most towns, while antiquities cannot be exported and tap water should be avoided but bottled water is available.